Considering the education sector, many African universities are increasingly taking place on the global rankings by being on the list of world-class training institutions, especially the medical disciplines, politics, foreign languages, music, international relations and international development.

Africa is the second most populous continent in the world (16% of the global population) with more than 50 countries and accounting for 20% of the total area of ​​the continent. Not only famous for its dense forests, vast grasslands and beautiful white sand beaches in Tanzania, Kenya, Egypt, Morocco or Tunisia ..., Africa also has thriving cities like Lagos, Cairo, Nairobi, Cape Town and Johannesburg. If you are attracted by this continent, let's take a look at the countries with developed education in Africa.

South Africa

Famous for its beautiful natural scenery, South Africa is suitable for students who love to explore. Some of the attractions are the picturesque coastline of the Garden Route, Kruger National Park, the Drakensberg Mountains, the wetlands and the Southeast African marine reserve. Major cities of South Africa such as Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban and Pretoria have extremely exciting nightlife and exciting sports programs such as football, hockey and rugby.

Universities in South Africa are divided into three categories: traditional (typical universities), technical (vocational schools), and general universities (a combination of both). In particular, there are three most prestigious schools in South Africa - including University of Cape Town , University of Stellenbosch, University of Witwatersrand. In South Africa, the bachelor program usually lasts 3 years and the master's degree lasts 2 years. There are 2 terms in a year: Semester I starts from February to June and Semester II takes place from July to the end of November.


Kenya is home to safari, national parks (NP) and international nature reserves such as Maaisai Mara, Wastewater Tsavo National Park, Lake Nakuru National Park and Aberdares National Park. This is the common roof of rare and precious wild animals in danger of extinction such as lions, leopards, wild buffalo, rhinos and elephants.

Kenya's economy is at the top of Africa thanks to the oil, aluminum, steel, lead, cement, tourism and agriculture industries.

Kenyan culture has a unique blend of Swahili coastal cultures, central and western Bantu communities and Nilotic communities in the Northeast.International students and visitors often know Kenya through the unique art of decorating the body of the Maasai tribe.

Besides, Kenya also possesses a modern urban culture, especially in the capital Nairobi. The city has a particularly cool climate, so it is also home to 7 major universities. The University of Nairobi is the most prestigious university in the country, followed by Kenyatta University, Egerton University and Moi University.

English is the primary language of instruction at all 10 public universities and more than 20 private universities in the country. A starting school year starts in September and ends in June every year. A bachelor's degree lasts 4 - 6 years and students must always have a graduation project.


The whole world knows Egypt with pyramids, Sphinx and Nile, but the people also have Abu Simbel Sun Festival and Islam festival that attracts millions of international visitors each year. Cairo is one of the most populous cities in the world and has great social and political significance.International students here also explore cultural cathedral sites such as the Cairo Opera House, Cairo International Film Festival and the Egyptian Museum.

Egypt has 20 public universities and 23 private universities, with about 2 million students. The top universities in the country include the American University in Cairo, Ain Shams University, Alexandria University and Mansoura University. The vast campus of Cairo University is located right on the banks of the Nile River, overlooking the city center and the area with many pyramids and Sphinx statues. The Library of Alexandria is a learning center for ancient Egyptian civilization with a global reputation and today the University of Alexandria strictly adheres to the strict principles of previous Library education.


If Kenya is a country for English-speaking students, Senegal is a paradise for international students who use French. This West African country has a coastline bordering the wet and warm Atlantic Ocean all year round with a rainy season that lasts from May to November. Senegalese people are proud of a dynamic culture and colorful life. amidst the beautiful natural landscape, with many beautiful beaches, rivers, plains and Senegal's river of the same name. Studying abroad in Senegal is very cheap thanks to the right source of food from local farms. This cost can be significantly increased if international students choose to rent a large apartment in the center, travel by private taxi and go to restaurants.

Senegal has many good vocational schools and a prestigious university likeCheikh Anta Diop University, Suffolk University, Sahel University and Bourguiba University in Dakar. The strong training sectors in Senegal are political science, law, medicine, arts and humanities, science and technology, economics and management. A vocational training course usually lasts 2-4 years, and students can study for another 18 months - 2 years to complete a bachelor's degree. The school year starts in October and lasts until July every year. Students can choose to graduate early with many very effective shortened credit programs. After graduation, you will have many job opportunities at telecom, medical, agricultural, fishery and tourism service centers.


Ghana is likened to the gateway of African economy with a strong economy, safe transportation system and open policies. The two largest cities here are the modern, bustling capital city of Accra and traditional Kumasi. The official language in Ghana is English. This West African country is attracting more and more international students thanks to a diverse, high-quality learning environment and friendly community.

Ghana has a number of prestigious internationally recognized universities and colleges, specialized educational institutions such as the National Film & Television Academy in Accra or Ghana Public Administration & Management Academy in Legon. . The group of 3 highest ranked universities in the country is the University of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and the University of Education.


As the smallest country in North Africa, Tunisia is fortunate to gather many elements from its ideal environment and a cultural intersection between Europe, Africa and the Arab region. The bustling streets and beautiful coastal villages of Tunisia are instagram's inspiration for many international students and international visitors, especially at famous attractions like El Djem Square Amphitheater, sa Grand Erg Oriental and Sidi Bou Said villages.

The rapidly growing education has pushed the number of students to three times in Tunisia (since the late 1990s). The country has more than 170 universities and institutes with diverse models such as public universities, research institutes and institutions of higher education. In Tunisia, the first place you need is Tunis Cultural and Academic Capital. Tunis is home to the most famous universities in the country such as Tunis University and Tunis El Manar University.

Although located very close to Italy and Greece, the cost of studying in Tunisia is much softer than that of European countries and the degrees of universities here are recognized worldwide. The main language in Tunisia is Arabic but French is also very popular, especially convenient for students who want to study Public Policy International, Foreign Affairs and Middle East.

Uganda is a paradise for international students thanks to its low living standards, many spectacular landmarks, contributing to making your study abroad life more memorable. The official language is English and Swahilli.

The capital Kampala is Uganda's largest city and has a diverse, multi-faith cultural history from ancient times. Many political and social organizations are based here, so Kampala is the ideal city for political and humanitarian students. Meanwhile, Jinja - the upstream city of the Nile is a place for young people who love active life thanks to unique cuisine and rich coffee culture. The city of Kabale is smaller in size but close to the high mountains and the forest where Uganda's famous Gorila is, is suitable for young people who are passionate about exploring nature.

The education trend in Uganda encourages students to spend most of their time on the field to practice the reality so deciding to choose a city and university in Uganda will be crucial to your overall study abroad experience.

The best university group in Uganda includes Makerere University, Uganda Catholic University and Mbarara University of Science & Technology.Uganda is also a great place to study public health because it has some very high quality public health services.
